Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cars, Cars, Cars.

There are certain perks to being Adam's girlfriend.  One of them is the guy himself, obviously.  Another one is that we get to attend some really awesome events through his work.  This last weekend I joined him for the Concours d'Elegance at Pebble Beach.  The scenery was gorgeous and the cars were seriously amazing.  Of course, the difference between Adam and me is that he'll be able to look at a car, tell you who designed it, what year it was built, how it's different or better than other models, and use words like chassis, pistons, and Vignale.  I, on the other hand, walked around saying stuff like, "Ooh! Look at that pretty red one!"  Hey, I'm a work in progress.  Needless to say, my appreciation for and knowledge of cars is ever growing beyond the realm of how it rates on the drool factor.

Though I'm sure we were surrounded by gazillionaires, celebrities, and people who've invented things that make this world turn round, the only famous person I saw (because he nearly bumped right into me) was Dax Shepard.  He's no Cary Grant, but I'll take it if that's as close to brushing fame as I'll ever get.  Unless my blog becomes viral overnight.  Hey, a girl can dream.

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