Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Poppins Perspective: Monster Crowns.

Ever have the feeling that you are taking care of (or have given birth to) little monsters?  Ever want to tell them that you think they are monsters to their faces but then think better of it so you don't hurt their blossoming little egos?  Here's a fireproof way of getting exactly what you think of them into their subconsciouses and fooling them into thinking it's just another craft!

What you'll need:

* Construction paper
* Scissors
* Glue stick or tape
* A little monster (your own or borrowed)

First, cut the construction paper into thick strips and fit it around your little monsters' heads.  Tape or glue at the proper size.

Second, let your little monsters be creative!  Glue spots, eyes, horns, spikes, or what have you to the crown.

Third, let your little monsters run amok!  You may be forced to join them; they are monsters after all.  Also, take pictures of them that they can come across when they're older.  They will be able to show them to their psychiatrists who will reveal to them why they have so many problems.  Or how they've been unable to let go of their childhood and that is why they are currently nannies.

{Let it be known that this post was written with irony and was not about any person living or dead (especially not my adorable little charges).  Do not take me to court for saying that your child is a little monster.  And no, I don't see a psychiatrist.}

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