Monday, May 23, 2011

It's in the Details.

Boyfriend and I did some entertaining at his lovely newly purchased house over the weekend.  Though he has done a great job furnishing his home and keeping it constantly spotless (a trait I find rather sexy), he's just not into making things pretty like I am - he is, after all, a man.  I felt his house just needed a little somethin', somethin', and Boyfriend was kind enough to let me do as I wished.  Just because he doesn't spend time making artsy-craftsy things doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate it in me (yet another good trait).  So here's what I came up with.

I'm all about lighting.  A room with a few candles in it can be so welcoming when you have people over to relax, sip wine, and enjoy good conversation.  I took ribbon (I'm all about stripes right now) and twine (one of my most favorite things) and wrapped some candle holders that I picked up at the dollar store.  (The dollar store, by the way, is a great place to get craft supplies!)  After putting some candles (also from the dollar store) and sand (Pier 1 sells different kinds of sand anywhere from $3-$6) in the candle holders, Boyfriend asked, "Sand? You bought sand?"  I told him, "Yes. You don't understand, it's going to be awesome."  After he saw the finished product, he agreed.  However he still thinks we should start a sand business and start raking in the money from suckers like me.

I love flowers.  What girl doesn't?  Flowers can make a room so cheerful!  I don't need fancy-shmancy bouquets with crazy plants climbing out from every angle.  I much rather prefer the market bouquets that you can find at your local grocery store or Trader Joe's that usually go for about $4.  To add a little extra wow factor, I sliced up some oranges, limes, and lemons and placed them around the stems inside the vase.

Bachelor pad?  What bachelor pad?

The mantel needed some greenery as well, so I split a green and white bouquet between two vases.  Guess where I picked the vases up?  That's right, the dollar store.

To finish off the look I added lemons, limes, ribbon, and twine.  And yes, if you noticed, I added twine around the candles in the corner, too.  Little details make a big difference.

The bouquet that we displayed on the dining room table was my favorite because it was just so happy.

Sunflowers, limes, and stripes.

Presto!  Four bouquets, two vases (I already had two), and ambient lighting (not to mention the sand!) all for under $30.  Not too shabby, if you ask me!

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