Wednesday, April 20, 2011


No, I'm not getting ahead of myself. I know that Mother's Day is in May. However, today is my Mother's day -- her birthday. My Mom is the most amazing woman I know -- and comes from a line of amazing women. She followed her grandmother and mother's leads and went to college where she received her Master's Degree. Then she spent almost 40 years diligently working for the same company while she sacrificed and provided for us. She hardly took a sick day, paid every bill on time, and never racked up debt, all while saving enough to send my sister and me to college, pay for our (someday) weddings, and retire early in comfort with my Dad. Mom took care of the house, the yard, the cleaning, the cooking, and still managed to find time to instill in my sister and me a great sense of humor. She is graceful, fun, hilarious, classy, smart, full of wisdom, generous, and beautiful. I have been blessed to have a Mother that I look up to and admire so much! In honor of her, I want to share some things that make me think of Mom.

(source: tartelette)

Mom used to wake me every morning to kiss me goodbye before going to work. Her hands would smell like fresh cut citrus. The smell of oranges will forever make me think of her.

This photo was taken the last time I was home and Mom and I went for a walk at Del Mar Beach. We always go down to the beach when I visit, get sand on our feet, and talk. The first thing she does when we arrive is take in deep breaths of the salty air and say with soul-filled delight, "Aaaah! I love the smell of the ocean!"

(source: things-we-heart)

Every morning when she wakes up, Mom puts on her make-up, and makes a cup of Nestle Hot Chocolate. She doesn't do coffee. Or Lattes. Or Orange Juice. Or fancy-shmancy hot chocolate. Nope, Nestle Hot Chocolate packets, every single time.

(source: design*sponge)

There are two reasons I think of Mom when I see this photo. The first is how fast that woman can type. She had to type a lot for her old job and I just remember the clackity-clack of her fingers whizzing over the keys with speed. I used to sit down at our old typewriter and pretend I could type as fast as she could. I'd type out something like: alkrjen-iaornvka*rela;biaq, row after row and then make her read it aloud. It kept me quite entertained.

The photo says, "What I love most about my house is the warm and welcoming atmosphere that makes people feel at ease." Our house WAS warm and welcoming. Anytime we wanted to have friends over, my parents opened up their doors, their fridge, and their arms. Our house was always (and still is!) a place where people feel comfortable.

My whole family is composed of readers. Mom doesn't just read biographies, but I think of my Mom every time I have a conversation about one, probably because of how she spoke of this book in particular. She was really taken with the faith, love, and lives of John and Abigail Adams. I have yet to read it myself, but I know Mom would highly recommend it.

Sigh. Movie nights with the family were the greatest. I think Pride & Prejudice was one of our best family movie moments of all time. How could it not be, with a man like Mr. Darcy?

And lastly, my mother has always claimed to be a black thumb, yet she has kept our yard green and blooming since day one. I have spent many hours sitting with Mom beside our pool, these daisies nodding at us nearby, soaking up the warm San Diego sun and loving life.

My Mother is a woman whose life is worth celebrating. So cheers, Mom, and a very Happy Birthday! I love you!

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