Thursday, April 14, 2011


I haven’t always lived in Sacramento. I grew up in San Diego and moved here after I spent my college years under the (often gray) skies of Pennsylvania. I thought I would move back to Southern California years ago like any person would do who loves the sun, the beach, and the perfect weather (and has family there, to boot). But life has this quirky habit of not turning out the way that we expect it to half of the time. Or 94.6% of the time. For me at least.

When I first moved to Sac Town, I was far from dazzled. What did this small city with its unimpressive skyline and myriad of trees (that do a number on my allergies) really hold for me? It took me several months to discover, but I can now say with sincerity (and plenty of Benadryl on hand) that even Sacramento has its charms.

Through the middle of Sacramento runs J Street. Along this street you will find one-of-a-kind restaurants, tasty bistros, quaint stores, booming businesses, the State University, art exhibits, city theaters, farmers markets, and delicious coffee shops. J Street is a snapshot of Sacramento.

This blog is the story of my J Street -- a snapshot of me, the English major turned Mary Poppins by day, the wine sipping foodie and wanna-be author and artist by night. I cannot promise to give you fabulous stories of wealth, power, and fame. But I can invite you to follow me down my J street and share in my musings on the adventures of daily life: what brings me joy, the art I create, the people I adore, my thoughts and imagination, and the things I find lovely.

I hope you enjoy the read, smile a bit, learn a little, and become inspired to go capture the beauty on your own J Street.

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