Friday, July 22, 2011

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Martinis!

Summer is in full swing.  The days are long, the days are hot.  Sometimes a beer sounds too heavy and a glass of red wine just sounds too...well...warm.  (I'm not sure if I even believe I just said those words myself.)  The other day I showed up at Boyfriend's place after a long day of work, and we both agreed that we wanted something cold and refreshing.  Like my knight in shining armor that he is, Boyfriend looked up a new recipe and made me a deeeelicious Raspberry Lemon Drop.  With our cold tasty adult beverages in hand, we headed out to the back patio to finish reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.  There, I've let the cat out of the bag.  We ride green bikes, drink pink martinis, and read kid books to each other.  The things that man does to make me happy, I swear.  He's honestly the best ever.  (You may either swoon or gag now, depending on your romantic constitution.)

Since it's Friday, I thought I would share this delectable drink recipe with you so that you can start the weekend off with a treat!  Mommies, tell Daddy to watch the kids for a second while you go outside, martini glass in hand, put your feet up, open your favorite book, and enjoy a moment of calm.  Men, if you want your scotch on the rocks, by all means, go for it.  But I have an inkling that you're going to love sipping this summer sensation.  My recommendation is to find a sturdy (preferrably chipped) mug to put this in if you don't want others to see your new-found fondness for pink tinted drinks and tell the kids it's "Daddy Lemonade".  Everyone else, don't even pretend you're not already convinced.

1 1/2 oz Citrus Vodka
3/4 oz Triple Sec
1/2 oz Chambord Liqueur
1 oz Sweet & Sour
Lemon wedges

  1. Coat the rim of a chilled martini glass with sugar.
  2. Put ice, Vodka, Triple Sec, Sweet & Sour, and juice squeezed from two lemon wedges into drink shaker.
  3. Shake thoroughly and strain into martini glass.
  4. Pour in Chambord.
  5. Garnish with lemon (twist or slice). Yes, this is a requirement. It makes the drink look fabulous.  (Men who are using a mug, no need to add sugar or lemon.)

Cheers and have a happy weekend!

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